Пароплав RMS Europa

Пароплав RMS Europa 0


Клас корабля:

Основна інформація

Країна будівництва:
Компанія будівник:

Головні розміри

1 850 т
77 м
12 м


Силова установка:
  • Napier two-cylinder side-lever steam engine, 1,400 ihp (1,000 kW), paddle wheels
10 вуз

Europa was the fastest of the initial quartette and won the Blue Riband with a voyage in October 1848 between Liverpool and Halifax of 8 days 23 hours, averaging 11.79 knots (21.84 km/h; 13.57 mph). The next year, Europa collided with the barque Charles Bartlett outside New York. While Europa suffered no casualties, 88 out of 130 aboard Bartlett died. Europa was also chartered as a troopship during the Crimean War and continued in Cunard service until 1867, when she was sold and converted to a sailing ship. In 1858, Europa collided with another Cunard ship, Arabia, in the Atlantic.

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